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It has been more than rewarding to watch young bunnies grow up, and to find them good homes. Rabbit breeding is not only the warm fuzzies, it is also very fascinating. Harkening back to high school science punnett squares and genotypes... it is learning about what makes a Holland Lop, well, a Holland Lop, that held our attention as well.  OK, and the warm fuzzies.


We promise to always be ethical, and to always love first.



Meckenna - Owner of Bigwig's Burrow Rabbitry in San Diego

Bunny Mama

I've loved bunnies since I was a small child, and this is a real dream come true for me. I am genuinely enthused to answer any questions and be a support system for all my friends.

Kevin - Bigwig's Burrow San Diego

Bunny Papa

I love all animals and Meckenna wrote this for me.  Seriously though, I am great with the rabbits.

Bigwig's Burrow Rabbitry in San Diego - Contact us!
Any questions? Contact us!

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San Diego, CA

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